Sameer Verma, a young CA professional was leading a normal life until he was diagnosed with diabetes. He was in his early thirties when the condition was detected.One day while working in office he fainted.
Kas diabeet on ravitav kui
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-> Veresuhkur 25 lastel
Eesti Õdede Liidu annetuse eest oleme tänulikud, kuid samuti on fondi jaoks oluline moraalne tugi tervishoiusüsteemi arvukaimate esindajate, õdede ja hooldustöötajate, poolt,“ rääkis vähiravifondi „Kingitud elu“ asutaja ja juhatuse liige Toivo Tänavsuu.
-> Diabeedi tunnused
Consistently high blood glucose levels can lead to a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). This happens when a severe lack of insulin means the body cannot use glucose for energy, and the body starts to break down other body tissue as an alternative energy source.
-> Kui veresuhkur on 6,9
Eesti Õdede Liit ja Sotsiaalministeerium korraldasid esmaspäeval, 1. aprillil kell 15-17 Sotsiaalministeeriumis infotunni retsepti pikendamise õiguse andmisest ka eriõdedele, et lühendada ravijärjekordi ja tagada patsientidele järjepidev.
-> Maniküür diabeediga inimestele
DKA (Ketoacidosis) Ketones. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious condition that can lead to diabetic coma (passing out for a long time) or even death. When your cells don t get the glucose they need for energy, your body begins to burn fat for energy, which produces ketones.
-> Veresuhkur n1 mis see on
Diabee 15 hrs · In Episode 3 of Doc Talks, presented by HCAH, Dr Gurinder Bedi, one of the top Orthopedic Surgeons in India, talks about the Causes, Prevention Treatment of Neck Shoulder Pain - and also answers important questions.